Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

1861 Assessement Of Safety And Health Management Practice In Building Constrution Projects The Case Of Bamacon Engineering Plc.

The Construction industry plays a significant role in the development of a nation. Despite the role it plays the construction industry remains one of the most hazardous industries there is due to accidents and fatalities that occur each day everywhere. This is especially true for building...

1862 Effects Of Human Resource Management Practices On Employee Retention The Case Study Of In Public Higher Education Institutions Of Samara University

The fundamental reason for this research was to see the point of the effects of HRM practices on employee retention of in A Case Study of in public higher education institution of Samara University. To accomplish this, some particular targets were set. The examination followed an explanatory...

1863 Factors Affecting Employee Loyalty The Case Of Federal Ethics And Anti-corruption Commission

The study aims to assess how training and development, open communication, ethical leadership and reward and benefit affect employees’ loyalty. In attempt to examine their effect questionnaire and interview are used as data collecting instrument from the employees of FEACC. After the...

1864 Assessement Of Factor Influencing Employee Retention At Luna Export And Slaughterhouse Plc

The general objective of the study was, therefore, to identify the influencing factors of retention at LUNA Export and Slaughterhouse Plc Addis Ababa. More specifically, it was meant tornassess factors that influence retention at the company, four variables were proposed to be linked to it namely,...

1865 Outsourcing Practices And Their Effect On Operational Efficiency Evidences From Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

Outsourcing is a common trend to business organizations in Ethiopia. It is very easy task to find enormous well organized outsource service providing firms at these days. The last few years have brought significant changes to the functioning of banks. One of the most significant ways of adaptation...

1866 Labor Relation Practice (the Case Of Bank Of Abyssinia)

Labor relations are the relationship between employer, labor union and employee in a particularrnorganization. Organizations whether they are public enterprises or nonpublic enterprise, private orrngovernment, may have complication related to labor relations. The objective of this research...

1867 Assessing Opportunities And Challenges Of Implementing Mobile Wallet Banking The Case Of Gizepay

This study work aimed to examine challenges and opportunities in implementing wallet banking project in Bank of Abyssinia in giving due attention to available opportunities which drive implementation process and challenges which can influence the implementation process of wallet banking. The study...

1868 Assessing The Effects Of Selected Factors On The Alignment Of Projects With Corporate Strategy In The Ethiopian Banks The Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia Awash Bank And Dashen Bank

Alignment of projects with corporate strategy is a norm for most organizations inrnorder to prioritize, implement projects and successfully complete projects, and achievernthe corporate strategic objectives. The aim of this study was to examine the Effect ofrnSelected Factors on the Successful...

1869 Assessment Of Challenges In The Implementation Of Independent Power Producer Projects The Case Of Tulu Moye Geothermal Project In Ethiopia

Ethiopia's power demand has grown with its economic and population growth. The public sectorrnhas carried out mega power projects in the country. The government has increased its interestrnin private sector involvement in power generation. Since 2009 the Ethiopian Government hasrnbeen engaged with...

1870 Identification And Analysis Of Causes Of Poor Service Quality In Fleet Maintenance Facility In Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation

The construction industry in Ethiopia covers 70% of the capital budget and is ranked second after the agriculture sector for creating job opportunities for millions of people. Many studies showed that in construction company fleet availability and reliability takes a lot of share in the...

1871 Techno-economic Analysis Of Hybrid Sdn Deployment In The Case Of Ethio Telecom

The growth in data traffic volume from access network are increasing exponentially which in turn exert a pressure on IP core network and force the operator either to optimize or upgrade their core networks. However, without a detailed technical and economic feasibility study, technological...

1872 Production Of Antioxidant Rich Glucose Syrup From Ensete Ventricosum Starch Through Enzymatic Hydrolysis And Preservation Using Green Tea Extract

Ensete ventricosum is a plant native to Ethiopia with a high content of starch. This study aimed to produce antioxidant rich glucose syrup from enset starch by using alpha amylase and glucoamylase enzymes and preservatives using green tea polyphenols. The starch was isolated from the corm and...

1873 The Legality Of The Use Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (uav) (drones) For Military Purpose The Ethiopian Perspective

The Legality of the Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) (Drone); The Ethiopianrnperspective is a study that assess the legal framework governing the use of Drones by staternactors like the Ethiopian government. This is so and remains significant because on one hand,rnthe current state of affairs...

1874 Validating Satellite Based Rainfall Product And Hydrological Modeling In Blue Nile Jemma Sub-basin

Water resource management absolutely depends on water resource data like rainfall and streamrnflow. Better quality of such data are obtained by direct measurement via interconnectedrngauging instruments. Due to limited resource, gauging instruments’ distribution are not densernenough, in...

1875 Assessment Of Dyslipidemia And Its Associated Risk Factors Among Adult Type-2 Diabetic Patients On Follow Up At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study

Background: Dyslipidemia is one of the major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVD)rnin a type-2 diabetic (T2DM) patient. Dyslipidemia in T2DM patients is attributed to increased free fattyrnacid flux secondary to insulin resistance. Globally burden of dyslipidemia in diabetic...

1876 Breaking Bad News Knowledge And Attitude Of Junior Physician Practicing At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Introduction: Breaking bad news to patients or discussing a serious case with a patient is part ofrnthe daily activity of many healthcare professionals and it is an inevitable clinical duty. In arnMedical setting bad news is any information likely to alter drastically a patient's view of his...

1877 Evaluation Of Leucocyte Esterase Reagent Strip Test For Rapid Diagnosis Of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis In Adult Cirrhotic Patients A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Introduction: Chronic liver disease is characterized by fibrosis and architectural distortion rnof the liver. Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis is the most common and fatal complication ofrnliver cirrhosis. The standard diagnostic modality of SBP is costly, laborious, and most of allrntime...

1878 Utilization Of Post Exposure Prophylaxis Among Hiv Exposed Health Care Workers And Nonoccupational Exposure At Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2017- 2021 G.c

Background: -HIV is a major global public health issue, having claimed 38 million lives so far.Ethiopiarnis one of the most seriously affected countries in sub-Saharan Africa, with many people living withrnHIV/AIDS. HIV infection in health care facilities has become a significant health problem,...

1879 Designing Knowledge Management Framework For Facilitating Indigenous Craft Knowledge Preservation And Transfer The Case Of Cloth Production At Shiromeda

This study aimed to investigate the Design knowledge management framework that preserves, and transfers indigenous craft knowledge of Cloth production practices in local communities of Shiromeda, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The paper talks around the significance of indigenous Knowledge, particularly...

1880 Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Of Icu Care Bundles In Infection Control Among Physicians And Nurses Working In Three Governmental Hospitals (tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital (tash)yekatit 12 And St. Peter Specialized H

Background: Intensive care is a continuum of care from various source of admissions wherernpatients‘ requiring a frequent evaluation and support to assure safe and effective outcomes.rnMortality in intensive care unit (ICU) is a global burden which results in a huge loss ofrnproductivity and...

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